Once More, Into the Breach...
Like Star Wars, theSteveCo just keeps reinventing itself. Let's hope it's more sequel than prequel.
I've owned this domain for over two decades. In that time it's front-ended many different websites / splash-pages / blogs and back-ended services few ever knew existed.
At this time 10 years ago I was running out of Linode, a terrific bare-bones VM host for developers. My work with AWS at Adobe converted me from a data center to cloud kinda guy, though, and I decided to pack up and move. I had huge plans. Really, I did. I just never got around to pulling the trigger, and for a very long time my website has simply loaded a page roughly similar to...
The page you're looking for could not be found
Probably a maintenance... please check back later
How embarrassing.
Needless to say, I've decided to take action and resolve this problem. I still have a grand objective, which I'm working on in the background, but in the interim, for any souls that land on my corner of the internet, I'd like to give you something a bit more attractive to look at, possibly even entertain or educate you.
I'll see what I can dig out of the archives - if anything surfaces I'll repost it.
Pardon my absence. I'm glad to be back.